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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This week my youngest daughter turned 1. Can you believe it? Just 365 days ago my wife and I were welcoming Rylee Isabella Carbo into our world. We are so blessed with 2 girls. As you can see they are just beautiful, they have Anitra's "looks." (Look out boys, they are not available until at least 30 years of age). Each year my kids (and that's four of them) experience one of my wife's parties with a central theme...this time my youngest daughter got a party with a garden theme. There were flowers everywhere. It was beautiful. But what was most beautiful was the birthday girl. I am a proud daddy and so happy that God has blessed me with a wonderful wife, two amazing sons, and two beautiful daughters.

Thank You Jesus for the amazing responsibility of caring for and raising such a precious thing as a child. You have blessed me 4x over and I do not take it for granted. I humbly receive this blessing and beg you to help me be who you are calling me to be as a husband, father, and friend. Heavenly Father, show me the same kind of love you show to your children, that I may give that kind of love to mine. And Holy Spirit, may I reflect the image of Christ for my children so that they may fall more in love with Him everyday of their lives.


Stook said...

You're a good dad, Jesse. I'm glad you and your family are sharing space with me and Meglee!

meganlee said...

i just read this!

those two will always be my little sisters.

thank you for letting me be apart of your family :)

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