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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yesterday I had my coaching appointment with Chan Kilgore, the pastor of Crosspointe Church in Lake Nona (Orlando, FL). He is also the Orlando area visionary for Vision 360, the church planting organization that is our umbrella for finances, training, and encouragement.

I want to briefly share with you an encouragement.

When Anitra and I first arrived here in Davenport, FL we were clueless as to what it would take to plant the gospel in this community. Actually we are still clueless in many ways. But about 3 months ago God in His mysterious ways, organized it in such a way that I would have a coach. But, not just any coach...the best coach. God saw it to be for my good that Chan Kilgore, would coach me and Anitra through this process of planting the gospel and all I can say is 'Thank You Jesus"!

For a while I was struggling and wondering what was going to happen. But God is faithful. For sometime I was wavering and watching to see when God would make His move. But God is faithful. It took alot of patience and internal emotional struggle, but God is faithful.

I share this with you because yesterday, after my meeting with Chan I was sharing with Anitra how blessed I feel to have such a great coach. In 15 min of time with him I learn more about the gospel, Jesus, and the ways of being the church in our community than I have ever learned from anyone else in the past.

Some things that you may not know but would be interested in learning: Anitra and I decided to begin attending Crosspointe Church each Sunday until we launch our church on Sunday morning. We are going to serve there as well, right now it looks like we might be serving in the kids ministry (not a stretch for us, since I was a Family Pastor and we have 4 kids of our own). Also, The Roots Community has launched 3 small groups in different neighborhoods. Please be praying for us as we seek to reach out to others.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Leading Leaders.

So this role I have been entrusted with as the Lead Pastor of a church plant called The Roots Community ( is a blessing but a very heavy blessing! I am faced with the challenge on a weekly or almost daily basis of not just leading people but leading leaders. It's one thing to round up regular people who want to follow someone, but it's a totally different thing when you are motivating and vision casting for a group of people that are leaders in their own right.

Almost 9 months ago a vision was cast for several leaders about an idea to move to a new city and do a new, fresh work of God for the kingdom. Over time these leaders began to make plans and move the pieces of their life around to get on board with God's agenda. It was all very exciting. Today, The Roots Community has an amazing group of leaders that serve each other and this community. I have often referred to them as a Super Team. Honestly, I am dumbfounded as to how it all happened. Am I a leader of leaders or is God up to something bigger than my abilities?

That is the real issue here. Could God be up to something so big, that even my own abilities and gifts matter so very little? Has He gifted me? Sure. But, if God needed my gifts and abilities, then as a broken, sinful man I would be tempted to think that it was my doing. And if we are going to make room for God to do miracles than that means we have to get out of the way.

I was reminded of this tonight at our impromptu staff meeting. I called a staff meeting because I needed to get my leaders back on track with where we are headed with an upcoming event. Many of us had lost focus and let the other important things in life get in the way of what we were doing, better yet, what God was doing. So the night before the staff meeting I spoke with my coach (Chan Kilgore) and I asked him how I should approach this meeting. He gave me incredible wisdom and insight. He said "Jesse, the purpose is not to pull off a great's to grow people" I left that conversation feeling so encouraged, because I knew that the most important thing for me was to keep my eyes on the bigger picture that my people mattered more than the details of that event we have been planning.

Now, I must admit...leading leaders is tough. Leaders are smart, opinionated, thinkers, and often have their own agenda. Our staff meeting did not go as I had envisioned it, but one thing did go right. I led. I led them to see what the BIG PICTURE is all about. Transformed Lives! If we are doing our first event as a church for this community and it's not about seeing Transformed Lives...than we are wasting our time. Our meeting ended on this note. And so leaders have a choice. To follow, or not to follow.

You see, leading leaders is not about convincing people to do what you want. I learned that it's more about following God. At our meeting, in front of my leaders, I believe that I was able to cast a vision...a vision about partnering with God in seeing transformed lives happen in this community. And whether I do it solo or with 100's I will continue to follow God in that mission He has called me to.

John Maxwell says that 'leadership is influence', and although I believe that is true I want to leave you with this thought. My experience so far is this...I am a leader of leaders, but God has done all the influencing.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pulling the Plug!

My friend and church planting counterpart just wrote a blog about disconnecting. I totally sympathize with him in this matter. This is a very real issue for me and Anitra as we both have "jobs" that seem to be very difficult to Unplug from. Anitra is a full time mom and wife and I am a full time pastor/church planter. Even though I don't have to "work" all the's always on my mind. In my head I am always working. Anitra on the other's not just in her's always before her. We love our kids...but boy they are demanding. We have a 7 month old that requires constant attention and a 2 year old that is more capable to do things on her own but is in that stage where she craves mommy's affection ALL THE TIME! We both need to learn how to Unplug! I think that Anitra more than me has the weaker hand in this situation because at least I can get away to the Panera Bread (where I am now, typing this blog) and think, pray, read and clear my head for a moment. My wife is attached...plugged into a life of relentless care and nurture for some children (and a husband) that we love so much but are always there.
So, what do we do?
We know that this part of our life as parents is just a stage, and a very important one at that...but we are still human...I mean, my wife is still very human and even though she is a Super Human, she still needs to Unplug. I am so frustrated because I think I know what that looks like for her, but she does not know what that looks like...Well, why not? Maybe, because it's been 9 years since she has regularly unplugged from the "job". She speaks of getting a paying job in the workforce this just a ploy to "unplug" while earning some cash. That would be nice...extra cash is good. But, isn't the real answer finding a solution for her to unplug from the most important job she holds now...wife and mother.
Well, as a community here are some WALLS we have hit on a personal level...

1. We've hit a wall in our marriages
*It's a blatant reality that every marriage hits walls from time to time. It's painful and hard to bust through the walls we face. This church planting journey has helped draw us closer in our marriages but has also produced some walls...Jesus, give us unity...

2. We've hit a wall spiritually on an individually level
*The spiritual adrenaline has worn off! We no longer have any Jesus Juice to keep us motivated and can see it. So what do we do? Well, God's timing is always perfect. A small Brazilian church planter, humble and shy, shared with me and Kevin last week a timely word from the Lord. We must operate from a Word of the Lord being revealed in our life, because cleverness will only take us so far. Jesus, speak to us...
(Yesterday, God spoke to me through the Book of Haggai, read it)

3. We've hit a wall emotionally
*Our emotions have been running at an all time high since June. Even before then, because this whole process of making a BIG decision to pack up and move was no small emotional process...So, now the emotional roller coaster has would seem that almost anything could send us spinning for a double loop on the coaster of emotions...which of course if we can't get a grip emotionally, than that affects our spiritual energy and the marital energy needed to maintain balance. Jesus, make us Happy...

So what does this have to do with Unplugging?

It's in the unplugging that we find the rest we need in Christ to maintain the balance, regain the energy, and re-dream the vision that God has given us for this church planting journey.

I have heard it said "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...and I have found this to be true. When my wife took a trip to Miami 2 weeks ago to be with her family, I found myself really missing her and wanting to be with her. Without that momentary "Unplugging" I would not have had the opportunity to experience the Joy of Plugging back into the flow of our marriage when she returned. The down time gave me what I needed to appreciate the role that we play in each others life.

Is it okay for us to unplug or is that just an excuse for laziness? Well, let me point out some biblical principles: 1. God rested on the 7th day after creating the universe in 6. 2. God established the law of the Sabbath day which is a day of rest. 3. Jesus got away for 40 days to fast and pray (Matthew 4) 4. And even before his crucifixion he went to a garden to disconnect and pray.

Let us practice the spiritual discipline of unplugging. Don't feel guilty, don't beat yourself up, and don't over spiritualize it....Just get away, on a regular basis and unplug.

Lord, may in our times of unplugging be refreshed and re-energized so that this great mission you have entrusted us with might be carried out with gusto and enthusiasm. May we not be bored, or tired, or burned that we can carry the torch of your love to the four corners of our city and world. Make us marathon believers, enduring until the end, that we might be saved.

Thank You Kevin for starting this was good timing!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It's time for "Trick or Treating". Regardless of what your views are on this pagan holiday, the fact is that many, many, many families will venture out on Halloween night with their kids knocking on their neighbors doors (many of whom they know not) and ask them for candy. We live in an interesting community where almost 2/3 of the homes in our development are empty. So as you can imagine this will make fore some disappointing candy time for the little kids...BUT, we have an idea!

On Halloween, The Roots Community Church is hosting their first Community Wide Service Project called "TRUNK or TREAT". Basically we are going to try and get as many cars as possible to come and decorate their trunks, pick up beds, vans, etc...and then pass out candy. It provides a safe and fun environment for kids to trick or treat and gives us as a church the opportunity to love on people.

So, why does this matter to you? WE NEED YOU!

What can I do? (You might say)

COME with your car, decorate your trunk and pass out candy!

We are looking for 200 cars to come and pass out candy. We believe that we could possibly have the WORLD'S LARGEST TRUNK or TREAT! You could be apart of History in the making!

Date: Friday, Ocotber 31

Time: 6-8PM (ALL Participating Vehicles must arrive at 5:00PM)

What: Provide Vehicle and Candy!

Location: Highway US 27 @ Webb's Candy Store/Dunkin Donuts in Davenport/Haines City

Need more info: Please email me at

If you are interested in this great opportunity please reply to this post with your name and phone number. Thanks.


Soccer and The Gospel...

I coach soccer for the Northeast Polk County Soccer League. I have the privilege of being my youngest son's coach. My oldest son is also on a team, but they have a much better coach. I am so proud of my two boys. They work so hard to play well, run hard, and impress me with their every move. I played soccer in High School and I love the sport. I am extremely overweight and can hardly keep up with the little kids, but no matter how out of breath I am, it's fun! The best part of last weekend is that my youngest son Kobe scored his first goal. It happened so fast that he didn't even realize what had happened. My older son Eli, is doing a great job too. I got to watch his game after my game was over and I saw him hustle and out play most of the other team. Who knows, maybe we have future professional soccer players in the making? Either way, I love my boys and am having so much fun...and a side note...well, coaching has been the best thing I have done so far in this church planting thing. It has created a collision point for me in the community. I wear the coaches uniform every Saturday and it gives me instant relationship with several families. I have been praying each week about how God might use me to plant the gospel in the lives of those people I meet every week.

So last Saturday as I was coaching my "grasshoppers" (ages 4-6) how to kick, pass, and shoot the soccer ball when it dawned on me! Church Planting is very similar. As a church planting team we have to master the basics of church before we can move on to the fancy footwork that we are always so rushed to do. I watch kids each Saturday try to balance the ball with their feet and do as many tricks as possible, but all that doesn't matter if they can't pass it to one another and score goals. In the end, the only result that matters is if their team made more goals than the other team. In church planting we as a team must master the skills that fundamentally get us goals or wins. So what is a win? A win in church planting is when we see someone who doesn't know Jesus, become transformed by His love and begin growing in their desire to treasure Christ more and more. It's not just about reaching one person, but as many people as possible. When this happens on a regular basis than we are doing the real work of church planting which is really planting the gospel. So what do we do when we feel the urge to have fun and do the fancy footwork with the soccer ball...well, there is nothing wrong with a little fun and even I like to keep the ball in the air with my feet, but eventually the ball has to come to the ground and a goal has to be made if we are going to win the game! I have realized that even with my team, which is comprised of an amazing group of people, we need a coach to blow the whistle every once in a while and remind us of what the purpose is. I know that right now our team is like my grasshoppers. The ball still feels kind of awkward. Scoring goals seems impossible. Paying attention to what's going on in the other soccer fields sometimes seems more appealing than what's going on in our own game. But, in the end...the more we practice and stay focused on the fundamentals, the easier it will become. We will begin to graduate from the grasshoppers to the juniors and seniors level of competition, and soon we will be scoring goals and taking names...

Matthew 16:18
"...and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it."

"Lord, at this stage of the us as a team to focus on the fundamentals first. Give us the courage to trust you and know that one day we will get to a place where we will be scoring goal after goal. Give us the faith to watch you work in our lives and in our community."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It's midnight on Wednesday and I am here at home
contemplating the concept of temptation...

Tonight, I was tempted!

I was tempted to break my 30 day fast from Coca Cola
(I have 7 more days to go).
I bought dinner for the boys, Megan, and Mary...
and instead of just getting the pizza and wings, I thought...
"I bet they'll want something to drink"

so I bought some Coke.
The truth is I hoped to be able to have some too.

As everyone, including my children argued around the table whether or not I should be allowed to have some...I quickly poured a tall glass of that delicious beverage into my favorite cup.

At that moment I felt this deep sinking feeling in the pit of my gut.
It was the realization of my human brokenness.
It had risen to the surface of my soul and I felt disgusting.

In that moment, this simple beverage was like a harlot
or a drug to me. Now, I don't believe that Coke in of itself is
evil, but it's affect on me is.

I told Mary that I wouldn't drink that tall glass of delicious, mouth watering, taste-bud satisfying coke until Danny Best called me back. Well, after several attempts to reach him he finally connected with me around 10PM. Needless to say, I was suffering.

It was precisely at that moment, that I had an epiphany!
What am I doing?
I am calling a grown man, to ask him permission if I can have some I crazy? Yes!

On one hand, I am grateful for friends like Danny that are there for me to talk me off of the "coke" ledge, but on the other hand...
I realized that I have a lot more battling of unbelief to go through.

Here's my point:
When we are tempted, we are challenged in our system of beliefs.
What do you believe about God? This is challenged when we are tempted.
What do you believe about yourself? This is challenged when we are tempted.

In truth, what we do with temptation is a revelation of what we truly believe about something. If I had succumb to the temptation of drinking that coke tonight, then it would have revealed that in my heart I believe that the pleasure of drinking that glass of empty calories is better than abstaining from it for healthy reasons.

I accepted this 30 day challenge 23 days ago, believing that something as simple as a beverage has no control over me, and today I am looking at myself in the
mirror wondering what I really believe.

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days by the devil. Why could he overcome? Because He believed in the Father and all that he promised.

It's so easy for us to trust Christ for our eternal life,
but it's so hard to trust him for our earthly life.

Jesus, thank you for eternal life, but grant me the grace to make it through this earthly life...not just to "get by", but with a kingdom mentality and a supernatural joy...all for your glory, because you are better than Coca Cola!

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