Let me tell you about an amazing worship experience I had last night. I visited 'STATUS' a ministry to college students and 20 somethings out of a church called Discovery Church. ( I went to meet up with some former youth who attend there regularly) I was amazed at the amount of students that were present. It was encouraging to see nearly 1,000 students participating in an amazing worship experience. Let me say though, that I felt completely out of touch with youth culture. You see, I have been a youth pastor for the last 14 years...but I think I am still stuck in the 90's. There is this new thing called "Emo" and well, I am not "Emo".
Well, once the music started I thought I was at a 'Coldplay' concert. The band was tight and everything they did was with excellence. I was really impressed. The speaker was Jeannie Stevens who is married to Jared Stevens. This was a treat, because not only is she an excellent communicator but I have had the privilege of serving Jared during an event in Chicago. She spoke about Waiting on God. Boy, have I learned a lot about that. She gave a convincing and encouraging message that would move anyone to Wait on God as He fulfills His purposes in our lives. It was a great reminder to me, that Waiting on God is the BEST place for to be. After her message the band led us in an extended time of worship...WHOA! It was off the chain! (I know, that's not an Emo thing to say...I told you I wasn't cool) We sang, shouted, danced, and sang some more for 30 min and it was awesome. I know that in heaven there will be 24/7 worship of Jesus the King, and I also believe that it will be different that what we think. There will be worship styles of all sorts. All I know is that in heaven, I will be at the Emo stage, a lot! It was great. If you live in the area and would like to check them out, visit their website for more info: www.whatsyourstatus.com
On a side note...I had another chance last night to sit with some old friends from Miami and just catch up. I love it when God orchestrates it in such a way that we are blessed with these kind of friendships.
Thank you Lord for all you do. Thank You Lord for who you are. Thank You Lord for last night.