The Roots Community Newsletter
You Belong Here...
July 2010
1. Update on the June's Newsletter and How God Came Through BIG Time!
2. Pastor Paul Podraza and his family moving here from Birmingham, AL to be Co-Pastor
at The Roots
3. Karen Brooks and her new role as the "Connections Pastor"!
Dear Friends,
Have you ever been in a bind so badly that you were so desperate and needed rescuing from your situation? And have you ever experienced that rescue and felt the joy of someone coming through for you BIG Time?
Well a couple of weeks ago that was exactly how I felt. Our church, The Roots Community was in a bind, real bad. We owed $3000 in rent to our leasing company and we didn't have any money.
A kind gentlemen offered to donate a $1,000 matching grant if our community would come up with the other $1,000.
God Came Through BIG TIME!
In a matter of a week, between our community and many of our generous prayer partners we raised $1,900.
All I can say is WHOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Thank you so much to all of you who prayed and gave financially. Our God is BIG and Faithful!
I am so humbled to be a part of God's work in Central Florida as we seek to plant the gospel.
Many have asked, "what are you going to do about July's rent and the following months?" And I think that's a great question. Obviously, it goes without saying...we're gonna keep trusting in the Lord. But, we believe that through the ongoing spiritual growth of our community and their increase in giving regularly, with the daycare leasing our facility, and with other contributing factors we're confident that God will continue to provide for us.
What Else Is Happening At The Roots?
Let me introduce you to The Podraza Family:
(Tracy, John, and Paul)

(In this picture Paul just graduated from Seminary at
Beeson Divinty School in Birmingham, AL)
Several months ago I received a phone call from Paul. Through a mutual contact he became aware of what we were doing in our community. Paul and Tracy had been praying about their next step in life since he had just graduated from seminary and they knew that God was calling to them to something new away from their current church in Alabama.
Several weeks ago they visited with us for a week and prayed about the opportunity to join us in helping to lead The Roots Community. Paul and I began a conversation about what it might look like to partner together as Co-Pastors to lead The Roots Community to where God was calling her.
Since then, we have sensed God's Spirit leading us to partner together. Both our families are very excited about seeing what God can and will do with us as we seek to plant the gospel together.
Currently, Paul and Tracy and looking for employment (that provides insurance benefits) in order to make the move down here. They have already sold their home and are currently looking at various homes in the area to rent.
I hope that you will be praying with us for the Podraza Family as I know they will be a blessing to our community.
Paul will continue to update us on a weekly basis as to their progress in finding employment and a home.
On a personal note: I am super excited about Paul being a Co-Pastor with me. I have needed someone like Paul for a long time now, and he brings the exact skills and attitude that will complement me perfectly.
Meet our "New" Connections Pastor

As many of you know, Karen Brooks and her family moved with our team of friends to this area from Palm Beach County to be a part of the church plant 2 years ago. When Karen and I served together on staff at our previous church she was the Programming Director which came with a ton of responsibility and she was very good at what she did. So naturally, when she joined our church it was a simple decision to have her be in charge of the Sunday morning program. Since June of 2008 she has made sure that everything happens on Sundays. I cannot express enough how much I appreciate her and all of the efforts to make our worship gathering is the very best that it can be.
As any organization grows it must shift and transition. This is one of those opportunities. In the recent months many of our leaders have taken what's known as the "Strength's Finder" by Gallup and something amazing was realized. We began to understand that we are gifted with certain strengths and would best serve the church if we operated within those strengths.
I came to understand that Karen's strengths are in the realm of relationships and we had a very large need within our church to help new attenders feel welcomed and assimilate into the life of our church.
Naturally, I began to pray about who would lead us in this area. It soon became very clear that Karen Brooks was perfectly suited for this role and so we began to discuss this opportunity. Recently we have been designing our assimilation strategy and planning to ensure that each new attender at The Roots is welcomed and followed up with so that they have the best possible opportunity to partner with our church.
So, from now on even though you might see Karen running around on Sunday mornings still doing alot of the production for our worship gathering she will also be spending much of her time helping new people at The Roots connect with the life of our community. So, if you get an email or call from her inviting you to The Bridge event or to Starting Point, now you know why.
Next time you see her, give her a hug and thank her for how she serves our community. I plan to.
I hope to see you this Sunday at The Roots Community Church.
I know that you may have some questions and I am always here to answer them at your convenience.
Below you will find my contact info:
The Roots Community Church is currently meeting at
8681 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Suite 122 in Kissimmee, FL 34747.
You can visit our website for more info:
Jesse Carbo
My Personal Cell: 407-257-1717
Church Office: 407-465-5517
Starting Point is our New Partners Course. If you are interested in becoming a
Partner with The Roots Community Church then this course is for you. There is no
obligation to join our church when the course is through.
(Limited Childcare is Provided-Contact us for more details)
Get ready for the cookout of your life! It's a neighborhood extravaganza with
plenty to do for the kids and lots of delicious cooking from our master chefs.
We will also be celebrating together as several our baptized!
1. The Podraza Family. That they find work with insurance benefits soon so that they can moved down here and join us at The Roots Community Church.
2. Please pray that God continues to send us financial partners as He meets our needs on an ongoing monthly basis.
3. Pray for the salvation of many with whom we are planting seeds of the Gospel.
4. Pray for the new believers in our church that our growing in their confidence in Jesus Christ.
5. Pray for Holly (a single mother in our church) that is currently looking for housing. Also pray for her 3 children and her new baby due in the Fall.
6. Pray for Miranda and Adrian. They are getting married at the end of this month and pray that Miranda continues to have a healthy pregnancy.