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Thursday, August 28, 2008

So I totally suck at this blogging thing! It's been like "forever" since I have written...well actually since August 9th. I need help with designing a better blog, so it's looks pretty! Mine is not pretty. More to come...sometime.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My time in the MIA (Miami).


AUGUST 4th, 2008.


So, I just got back from Miami and I had an amazing time. It was not fun, but nonetheless it was full of "God Moments" and it was also the weekend that my wife turned yet another year older, which means that we are only a few days away from our 13th year wedding anniversary. So when I say it was not fun, here is what I mean. I had the amazing opportunity to speak at a funeral this afternoon. This week my elementary school principle passed away from a long battle with health issues. This lady was an incredible person who was relentless in her pursuit of Jesus, children, and excellence in education. She was truly an icon. I had the honor of doing the closing prayer because I am a pastor and alumni of that school (King's Christian School). Another great opportunity, because of the funeral, was that I got to see many old friends, from my childhood. Many of the these people were adults in my life that had a great impact on me. It was a blessing to see them and to hug their neck and thank them for pouring into my life. I would not be here today if Southwest Community Church had not been there for me as a child.
And yet another God moment was...(drum roll please) we are planting this church we are certainly dependent on others to financially partner with us. Anitra and I have taken the attitude that God is our supply, not people. But God hand picks people to bless us and provide that which He desires. Today, we received 2 checks from people who want to support us. It was nearly $1,000! GO GOD! I am once again infused by the joy in the Lord because of His promise to always take care of the ones He loves (Matthew 6).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Proud of her...

So my friend and ministry team mate has just finished a 40 day fast at midnight tonight. I just wanted to say that I am proud of her and have been inspired and encouraged by her faith. Thanks for being so committed at such a difficult time. You are a blessing to me and my family.

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